free woman free yourself from negative thoughts

Did you know: How your negative thoughts affect your body

Free yourself from negative thoughts!

According to the Science Foundation, a study done in 2020, found that 80% of our daily thoughts are usually negative thoughts…

My dear! You are in control of your own mind! 

Did you know?

Your body on average, daily:

  • uses 10 muscles with each smile
  • uses minimum 6 muscles when you frown
  • uses minimum 200 muscles with each single step
  • takes roughly 20 000 breaths 
  • pumps around 6000-7500L blood 
  • blinks your eyes 14 400-19 200 times
  • has 12 000-50 000 thoughts

Don’t let your negative thoughts hold you down and keep u dwelling on thoughts of being unworthy, unloved, not capable, not beautiful – Take your power back!

You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Love what you have! Love what you are able to do! Invest in who you are created to become & look yourself in the mirror everyday with eyes of acceptance, a heart of love and thoughts of gratitude!

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